Full Paper Submissions

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Thank you for your support of the 2015 Envisioning Reciprocal Learning between Canada and China Conference

Accepted presenters should upload their full paper and abstract by March 30th, 2015. The word limit for the paper is 6000 words, not including references. The abstract word limit is 100 words.


Conference Topics – 会议主题

Experience in school development and school education research in different regions and countries.
Issues in school development (e.g. education reform, teacher development, school curriculum, student growth/achievement).
Interschool, interregional or intercultural school development (e.g. ecological conditions, basic mechanism, or methodology).
Role and function of government, school and teacher in interschool, interregional or intercultural school development.
Role of culture in school development.
Issues in school education research (e.g., research ethics, research methods, cultural factors, etc.).