Group 3: High School Attached to Northeast Normal University

中学 3 组:东北师范大学附属中学

At the High School Attached to Northeast Normal University, a series of lesson demonstrations and discussion, as well as presentations also took place. The day started with Ms. Chunmei Zheng (Chengdu Taiping Middle School) and Ms. Angel Chor (Toronto George Harvey Collegiate Institute) co-teaching a Grade 8 math lesson on the use of linear functions in everyday life. The two teachers have been participants of the Canada-China Reciprocal Learning Project. Prior to their co-taught lesson, that they had been communicating regularly on Wechat on matters related to math teaching.

在第三个会场即东北师范大学附属中学会场,一系列精彩的学校活动也正在如火如荼地进行中。早上,中加结对老师郑春梅老师(成都市太平中学)和 Angel Chor老师(加拿大乔治哈威学校)先一起上了一堂有关一次函数在日常生活中的应用的数学课。 两位老师利用情境导入引出一次函数;接下来通过任务活动,以学生自主活动、小组合作交流的形式,帮助学生根据不同情况选择合适的购票方案,得出线性函数的形式、内容及意义;最后教师与学生进行交流、回顾与反思。

In addition, Ms. Wang Li from the High School Attached to Northeast Normal University also demonstrated a Grade 8 math lesson on radicals and their properties.

第二节数学课 “数的开方”由 东北 师范大学附属中学的王丽老师授课。王老师以学生已有经验为基础导入,使学生发现新运算;然 后,通过试一试、想一想、议一议的探究方式,得出平方根的性质,同时利用网络使学生了解平 方根的来历,加深对平方根的认识;最后,王老师引导学生进行自主总结,得出开平方的定义。

After demonstrating their lessons, the teachers were invited to share their thoughts and reflections about their lessons. Both Professor Anthony N.Ezeife (Windsor University) and Professor Anling Cui (Jilin Provincial Institute of Education) commended the teachers for their attempt on making math teaching interactive and relevant to students’ life. They also pointed out the spirit of reciprocity that underlies each math lesson. 王丽老师和郑春梅老师简单介绍本节课的设计意图及授课反思,随后嘉宾评课。Anthony N.Ezeife 教授认为两节课都将数学与学生生活实际结合,注重生生互动和师生互动。崔安玲教授指出出两节课的共同特点即开放、灵动、互惠,同时希望国内外课堂教学进行借鉴与反思。

School Tour and School-Based Curriculum Exhibition 参观东北师大附中校本课程

During lunch break, conference attendees had an opportunity to experience the vibrant school life and various school-based curricula of the High School Attached to Northeast Normal University.


Special Topic Reports 专题报告

In the afternoon, three reports were delivered by principals from China.

下午,中国校长们通过专题报 告分享了他们的专业成长和办学理念。

Report (1) Experience is Wealth — Improving Principal Beliefs through the Use of Narrative Inquiry

Principal Zuo Ya (Chongqing Liangtingzi Primary School) gave an account of the use of narrative inquiry and analysis in improving principal beliefs and professional growth 左亚校长通过布鲁纳五元素叙事法和康奈利的三维模型叙事元素的方法进行研究,就自己成长过程中的关键事件,以小组深度会谈的形式,与其他校长共同提炼了“经历即财富”的主题意义.

Report (2) Career Sharing — Building our Narratives, Meaning and Futures Together


Principal Quanmin Ren, Principal Shixiong Yang, and Principal Huideng Pan highlighted five processes involved in their shared narrative inquiries and learning The fives processes are: 1) sketching out a career-path system, 2) identifying key life events, 3) sharing key events with each other, 4) conducting in-depth interview with each others, 5) sharing results with a wider audience. The three principals pointed out the potential of narrative inquiry in promoting individual and collective teacher development.

任权民 校长(重庆市铁路中学) , 阳世雄 校长(重庆市民族中学校), 盘会灯 校长(重庆市梁平区屏锦中学)共享了叙事研究学习的五个流程:(1)即勾勒职业生涯系统(2)撰写生涯关键事件(3)交流分享关键事件(4)小组成员深度会谈(5)全班分享交流成果。各位校长分享实践感悟,认为自我叙事方法可用于教师(或干部)修炼,构建团队成长新意义。

Report (3) Theory and practice of the training mode of academic teachers based on educationalist

Principal Jiang Li (High School Attached to Northeast Normal University) shared about her school’s model of cultivating teachers as scholars and educationalists.