Plenary Panel Speakers

Dr. Cheryl Craig

Cheryl J. Craig, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University of Houston, where she is the Coordinator of Teaching and Teacher Education. Her research niche focuses on the influence of context on teachers’ knowledge developments, their communities of knowing and their curriculum making. She is a co-editor of the Association of Teacher Educator Yearbook, Executive Editor of Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice and an Associate Editor of Reflective Practice. Craig’s research regularly appears in the field’s most esteemed journals. In 2011, she was named an American Educational Research Association Fellow. In 2012, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Division B (Curriculum Studies), American Educational Research Association.

Cheryl J. Craig博士,休斯顿大学教育学院课程与教学部门教授,担任教学与教师教育的课程协调人。Cheryl Craig教授的研究着眼于教师知识发展过程、教师群体认知和教师课程设置的影响。她是《教师教育协会年鉴》的主编,《教师与教学:理论与实践》的执行编辑,以及《反思性实践》的副主编。Craig教授的研究定期出现在其研究领域里最被认可的学术期刊中。2011年,她被授予美国教育研究协会会员的称号。2012年,她获得了美国教育研究协会课程研究部门授予的终身成就奖。

Dr. Zongyi Deng 邓宗怡

Zongyi Deng (PhD, Michigan State University) is an associate professor at National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. A former associate professor at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), he is currently an honorary research associate with Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China, HKU. He is also an executive editor of Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS), and has recently edited two special issues for JCS with the support of Ian Westbury: The Practical, Curriculum, Theory and Practice (2013) and Confucianism, Modernization and Chinese Pedagogy (Part 2) (2014, forthcoming). His latest publication is Globalization and the Singapore Curriculum: From Policy to Classroom (with S. Gopinathan and Christine Lee; Springer, 2014).

邓宗怡(密歇根州立大学博士),现任新加坡南洋理工大学国家教育学院副教授。曾任香港大学副教授,现任香港大学华清中国教育研究中心名誉研究员。同时,他也是《课程研究》执行编辑,并于近期与(Ian Westbury教授)合作,为《课程研究》编辑了两篇特刊,分别为《实用、课程、理论、实践》(2013)和《儒家思想、现代化、中国教育学(之二)》(2014,即将出版)。他的最新发表作品为《全球化与新加坡课程:从政策到课堂》(与S. Gopinathan和Christine Lee合作,2014年由Springer出版)。

Dr. Clara Howitt

Dr. Howitt has been a proud educator for 20 years and has served the role of teacher, elementary administrator, system Principal and now Superintendent. Currently she holds the position of Superintendent of Education, Program and Professional Learning at the Greater Essex County District School Board, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Her responsibilities include overseeing the operation of Kennedy and Harrow Families of Schools, and leading and supporting system curriculum development and professional learning and leadership toward providing learning opportunities which support, challenge and inspire all learners. Dr. Howitt’s particular areas of interest and expertise include change theory, research and program evaluation, leadership development and cognitive theory. Dr. Howitt is also the proud mother of two daughters, Giorgia, 9, and Caroline, 6. She and her husband Richard enjoy family time and creating wonderful experiences and memories with their children and extended families.

Clara Howitt博士是一名杰出的教育工作者。二十年来她曾担任教师、小学校长、教委系统校长,现任加拿大安大略省温莎市大埃塞克斯公立教育局 (GECDSB) 教育学监,分管学校项目及职业发展方向。其职责包括监督Kennedy和Harrow学校系统的运营,领导与支持课程开发与专业学习,提供支持、挑战并且激发所有学习者的学习机会。Howitt博士研究兴趣包括变迁理论、研究和项目评估、领导力发展和认知理论。此外,她还是一名拥有两个女儿的母亲,九岁的Giorgia和六岁的Caroline。她与丈夫理查德十分享受家庭时光,并乐于和女儿们以及家庭其它成员共同创造美好的经历和回忆。

Dr. Yibing Liu 刘义兵

Dr. Yibing Liu is a professor of adult & teacher education and the Dean at Teacher Education College of Southwest University. With his doctorate training from both China and Canada, Dr. Liu has established strong academic interests in multicultural and international education research. He has fulfilled many projects sponsored by governmental or non-government organizations, such as Research on Innovative Functional Literacy For Rural Ethnic Minorities in China (the Ford Foundation, US, 2002-2004); Functional Literacy Material Development for Out-of -School Children in China (UNICEF,2002-2003); Bilingual Literacy for Ethnic Group’s Comprehensive Development–A Pilot Project for Lahu Nationality’s Innovative Practices in China (UNESCO,2003); UK-China Southwest Basic Education Project (DFID,UK, 2005-2009); the Comparative Study of Balancing Urban and Rural Education Development in Europe and America (Ministry of Education of China, 2012-2014). The positions and honors he held include Director of the Training Center for Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in Southwest China, Deputy Director of the National Centre of Research and Training for Literacy Education, and won the National Award for Excellence in Teacher Education Field ( the Ministry of Education of China). His recent publications focus on teacher professional development, teacher education policy, and teacher education curriculum development.


Dr. Zongjie Wu 吴宗杰

Dr. Zongjie Wu is Director of Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Zhejiang University, coordinating the research cluster in education and curriculum study. His work is also associated with the Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage Studies. Wu’s research cuts across multiple disciplines with a focus on cross-cultural discourses. Recently he has been looking beyond institutionalized schooling to seek for Confucian meanings of the learning embedded in pedagogical ritual space. The result of the research was published across various disciplines, especially in education, discourse study, anthropology, heritage study, history, and communication. His transdisciplinary inquiry treats pedagogy as the core to explore the meanings of cultural life. He has collaborated on many heritage related projects, and currently is working as a World Bank consultant for Shandong Confucius Cultural Heritage Conservation Project. Wu’s research has been published in high-profile journals and internationally recognized books.


Dr. Ian Westbury

Ian Westbury is a professor emeritus of curriculum & instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is General Editor emeritus of the Journal of Curriculum Studies. He has worked on cross-national studies of school achievement, the German Didaktik tradition, and is currently completing a comparative study of state governance of the curriculum that draws on experiences in Finland, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and the United States. He has been interested in China since teaching Chinese history at the University of Melbourne and is currently hosting groups of Chinese scholars and graduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His doctorate is from the University of Alberta and he has an honorary doctorate from Åbo Akademi University in Finland.

Ian Westbury 教授,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校课程与教学研究所荣誉退休教授,《课程研究》荣誉退休总编。他致力于学校成就领域的跨国研究和德国教学论传统探究,目前,借鉴芬兰、德国、挪威、瑞士和美国的经验,他目前完成国家治理课程的比较研究。在墨尔本大学教授中国历史之后,他对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣,目前他也在伊利诺伊大学接待来自中国的学者和研究生,建立研究小组。他在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得博士学位,同时兼有芬兰奥伯学术大学荣誉博士学位称号。