2016 Speakers

Dr. David Hansen

David T. Hansen is the Weinberg Professor in the Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he also serves as Director of the Program in Philosophy and Education.  Hansen has a Bachelor of Arts in Intellectual History and a Ph.D. in Education, both from the University of Chicago.  He joined the faculty of Teachers College in 2001, after serving previously for a decade as director of an urban secondary teacher education program at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  Hansen has taught at several levels, including secondary school, and has worked closely with hundreds of teachers in the course of his career.  He has led seminars and workshops with teachers on the nature and meaning of education, on how to lead successful discussions with students of all ages, on how to create a classroom and school environment that supports authentic education, and more.

Professor Hansen has written widely on the work of teachers, including in books such as The Call to Teach (1995), Exploring the Moral Heart of Teaching (2001), Ethical Visions of Education: Philosophies in Practice (2007), and The Teacher and the World (2011).  He has been particularly interested in the ethical and moral dimensions of educational work – for example, the ways in which teachers and the curricula they use can assist students in deepening rather than rendering shallower their sense of humanity.  He has also written on John Dewey’s philosophy of education, with a particular focus on Dewey’s rich conception of ‘education as growth’, in works such as John Dewey and Our Educational Prospect (2007).  In recent years, Hansen has addressed relations between cosmopolitanism and education, and has published an array of articles on the topic in outlets such as The Journal of Curriculum Studies, Studies in Philosophy and Education, and Teachers College Record.  His book mentioned above, The Teacher and the World (2011) also features a cosmopolitan perspective.  He has lectured on the topic in many places around the world, including Brazil, Canada, China, France, Israel, Japan, the Palestinian Territories, and Turkey.

Professor Hansen has received numerous honors, including a National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellowship, the James and Helen Merritt Award for Distinguished Service to Philosophy of Education, the Outstanding Achievement Award from the John Dewey Society, an honorary doctorate from Orebro University (Sweden), and being named a University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago as well as the Weinberg Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University.  Hansen is a Past-President of the John Dewey Society and of The Philosophy of Education Society, and is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association.




Dr. Ian Menter

Ian Menter was Professor of Teacher Education and Director of Professional Programmes in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford from 2012 until 2015 when he retired.  He is a Fellow of Kellogg College at the University.  On his retirement he became an Emeritus Professor of the University and an Emeritus Fellow of Kellogg College.

From 2013 to 2015 he was the President of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and is now Vice-President of the Association.  During his Presidency he played a significant part in the Inquiry into Research and Teacher Education which was undertaken by BERA in collaboration with the Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) which led to the publication of Research and the Teaching Profession: Building the capacity for a self-improving education system in 2014.

He became a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2009 and is also a Fellow of the RSA.  He holds visiting professorships at The University of Nottingham, Newman University, Birmingham, Bath Spa University and Ulster University and is an Adjunct Professor at Southern Cross University, Australia.  During 2013 he was a visiting professor at the University of Vienna, Austria.

From 2004 until 2013 he held the Chair of Teacher Education at the University of Glasgow and was Deputy Dean (Research) at the Faculty of Education during that period.

He was President of Scottish Educational Research Association (2006-08), and was also an elected Member of the Executive Council of the British Educational Research Association for several years. He was an editor of the British Educational Research Journal, a founding editor of Review of Education and is currently leading an interim editorial team of the British Journal of Educational Technology.  From 2008-11 he chaired the Research and Development Committee of the Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers.  He has been a member of the Council of the European and the World Educational Research Associations.

Professor Menter’s own research interests centre on teacher education, primary education, education policy, and ‘home international’ comparative studies. He is the author of numerous books and peer-refereed articles addressing these topics. Always keen to work collaboratively and develop research excellence through networks, Professor Menter is involved in research collaborations across a range of universities and was a founding member of the research group The Teacher Education Group, whose book Teacher Education in Times of Change was published earlier this year.

He is a member of the scientific advisory group of ProTEd – the Centre for Excellence in Teacher Education, in Norway and during 2015 gave the Helga Eng lecture in Oslo.  He will be giving the Winifred Mercier Lecture at Leeds Beckett University in March 2016.  Earlier lectures have been given in Sydney, Australia; Kazan, Russia; and Hobart, Tasmania.

Professor Menter’s recent research has been funded via diverse sources, including for example the Scottish Government, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and the National College for School Leadership.  At Oxford University he led the development of the Oxford Education Deanery, as well as The Leadership for Learning Programme for Oxford City Council.

He has also worked at the University of the West of Scotland (2001-04), London Metropolitan University, where he was Head of the School of Education (1996-2001), the University of the West of England (1987-1996) and the University of Gloucestershire (1984-87).  Before that he was a teacher in primary schools in Bristol.

伊恩·蒙特,2012–2015年任牛津大学教育系专业课程主任、教师教育教授、凯洛格学院 (Kellogg College) 院士。2015年退休后,伊恩·蒙特教授担任牛津大学名誉教授和凯洛格学院名誉研究员。

蒙特教授于2013–2015年任英国教育研究协会会长,现任此协会副会长。在任期间,他致力于探究研究和教师教育研究,此研究也是由英国教育协会 (BERA)主导,并与皇家文科院 (RSA)合作,并于2014年发表《研究与教学专业:构建自我完善教育体系的能力》一文。

蒙特教授于2009年成为社会科学院 (Academy of Social Sciences) 院士、皇家文科院 (RSA)研究员。同时,蒙特教授担任诺丁汉大学、纽曼大学、伯明翰大学、巴斯泉大学和阿尔斯特大学客座教授,以及澳大利亚南十字星大学兼职教授。2013年期间在奥地利维也纳大学担任客座访学教授。


2006-2008年蒙特教授曾任苏格兰教育研究协会主席, 同时被选举成为英国教育研究协会执行委员会成员若干年。 蒙特教授曾任英国教育研究期刊编辑。教育综述期刊创始人,目前领导编辑英国教育技术期刊。2008-2011年,他主持大学理事会教师教育研究与发展委员会,并被选举为欧洲和世界教育研究协会理事会的成员。


蒙特教授是ProTEd 中心科学顾问团的成员。此 (ProTEd) 中心以教师教育领域优秀者为主。2015年蒙特教授在挪威奥斯陆进行了学术演讲(Helga Eng Lecture),他将于2016年3月在利兹贝克特大学进行雪梅名士 (Winifred Mercier Lecture)讲座。早前,蒙特教授已在澳大利亚悉尼、俄罗斯喀山、塔斯马尼亚霍巴特开展讲座。


蒙特教授最早是英国布里斯托市的一名小学教师。他之后在英国格鲁斯特大学 (1984-87),西英格兰大学(1987-1996)任职。1996-2001年曾任伦敦城市大学教育系主任。2001年-2004年,也曾在西苏格兰大学任职。

Dr. F. Michael Connelly

Dr. Michael Connelly is Project Co-Director with Shijing Xu of the Canada-China Reciprocal Learning Partnership Grant Project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The Partnership is led by the University of Windsor and involves two Canadian universities [University of Windsor (UW), University of Toronto (OISE/UT)], and five Chinese universities [Southwest University (SWU), East China Normal University (ECNU), Northeast Normal University (NENU), Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)], two Canadian school boards [Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB), Toronto District School Board (TDSB)] and approximately forty Canadian and Chinese schools.  The purpose is to foster cross cultural educational understanding and to provide a forum for studying cross cultural educational narratives as they intersect in the modern world. He is keen on fostering cross cultural educational learning and understanding.

Dr. Connelly is Professor Emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of University of Toronto (OISE/UT), long time Editor of Curriculum Inquiry, former Chair of Curriculum, and founding Director of the OISE/UT Center for Teacher Development. He studied with Joseph Schwab at the University of Chicago. He is the Education Judge for The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE) Book awards, given annually by the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers. He has written on science education, curriculum studies, teacher education, multiculturalism and narrative inquiry.

He was Director of the Canada Project, Second International Science Study, and Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education/OISE/UT doctoral program. He has made teaching a priority, with many former students winning dissertation, and research and teaching awards. He has worked with schools, school boards, and teacher organizations; and wrote policy papers for the Science Teachers Association of Ontario, the Ontario Teachers Federation, the Ontario Ministry of Education, the Government of Egypt, the Government of Australia, UNICEF and the World Bank.

He has held numerous research grants and has close to 200 publications. His research work takes place in practitioner school-based settings. His major works include: The Functions of Curriculum Development (1972), Teachers as Curriculum Planners: Narratives of Experience (Widely used, with several translations, 1988, with Jean Clandinin), Stories of Experience and Narrative Inquiry (First narrative inquiry publication, 1990, with Jean Clandinin), The Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction (2008, acknowledged by AERA Division B Curriculum Studies Book Award with Ming Fang He and Jo-An Phillion), and Narrative Inquiry for School-based Research (Practice focused, AERA best paper award, 2010, with Shijing Xu).

He received AERA’s Division B Lifetime Achievement Award, the Canadian Society for the Study of Education’s Outstanding Canadian Curriculum Scholar Award, the Canadian Education Association Whitworth award, the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association’s award for excellence in teaching, and other scholarly awards, and most recently, Outstanding Publication Award by Narrative Research Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

He has worked internationally in human resource development, curriculum, teacher education, and community schools in Jordan, Egypt, Hong Kong, West Indies, and China. He drafted the terms of reference for the recently established Egyptian Professional Academy of Teachers and he was a UNICEF consultant to The League of Arab States for which he wrote a policy paper for pan-Arab curriculum and teacher education. His long-term, ongoing, urban education research program in Bay Street Community School is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


麦克尔·康纳利博士是多伦多大学安大略教育研究院(OISE)资深教授,任《课程探究》Curriculum Inquiry杂志主编多年,曾任多伦多大学安大略教育研究院课程与教学系主任,组建并担任教师发展中心主任。他师从芝加哥大学施瓦布(Joseph Schwab)教授。他的著作涉及科学教育,课程研究,教师教育,多元化和叙述探究。

他曾指导国际科学研究项目加拿大分项目第二国际科学研究, 担任香港教育学院/多伦多大学教育学院博士项目主任。他以教学为先,辛勤培养学生。在他的指导下,许多学生获得了论文奖,研究奖,教学奖。他先后与学校,教育局,以及教师组织合作研究; 为安大略理科教师协会,安大略教师联合会,安大略教育局,埃及政府,澳大利亚政府,联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF),和世界银行 (World Bank) 撰写有关政策性文献。他曾荣获美国教育研究协会(AERA)终生成就奖,加拿大教育研究学会(Canadian Society for the Study of Education)加拿大杰出课程学者奖,加拿大教育协会维特沃斯奖(Whitworth),大学教师协会安大略省联合会优秀教学奖等学术奖项, 包括最近获得的美国教育研究会 (AERA) 教育叙事研究2011年度杰出出版物奖。

康纳利教授出版专著近200部, 比如The Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction (2008),许多是实践为主的校本研究。



Dr. Ruth Hayhoe

Ruth HAYHOE is a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.  Her professional engagements in Asia have spanned 30 years, including foreign expert at Fudan University in Shanghai in the early 1980s, First Secretary for Education, Science and Culture at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, 1989-1991, visiting professor  at Nagoya University on a Japan Foundation fellowship in 1996, and Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 1997-2002.

Ruth has authored or edited more than a dozen books and published about 80 articles in refereed journals. Her newest book, China through the Lens of Comparative Education: The Selected Works of Ruth Hayhoe came out in winter of 2015 with Routledge’s World Library of Educationalists.  Two new co-edited books will come out in 2016: Canadian Universities in China’s Transformation: An Untold Story, edited by Ruth Hayhoe, Julia Pan and Qiang Zha, forthcoming with McGill Queens University Press, and Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers edited by Kathy Bickmore, Ruth Hayhoe, Caroline Manion, Karen Mundy and Robyn Read, forthcoming with Canadian Scholars Press.  Other recent books include Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities: In the Move to Mass Higher Education, co-authored with Jun Li, Jing Lin and Qiang Zha (Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong and Dordecht: Springer, 2011),  Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers,  (First edition) co-edited with K Mundy, K Bickmore, M Madden and K Madjidi (New York: Teachers College Press and Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2008) and  Portraits of Influential Chinese Educators (Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong and Dordecht: Springer, 2006).

Ruth has received many honors, including Honorary Fellow, University of London Institute of Education (1998), the Silver Bauhinia Star of the Hong Kong SAR Government (2002), Commandeur dans l’ordre des Palmes  Académiques of the Government of France (2002) and Honorary Fellow of the Comparative and International Education Society (2011). In 2012 she was appointed CJ Koh Professor at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In October of 2015 she was awarded the Mingyuan Prize for an Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Education Research and in December of 2015, she was conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by the Open University of Hong Kong.

Ruth has nurtured an active doctoral thesis group since 2005, whose members have done sustained field research on higher education issues in all of the following jurisdictions: China, Hong Kong, Singapore,  South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, France, Belgium, Estonia, Norway, Greenland, Tanzania, South Africa, Venezuala, Iraq and the U.A.E., as well as Canada and the USA.

许美德(Ruth Hayhoe),加拿大多伦多大学教育研究所教授。她对于在亚洲的职业参与发展已有30年,她曾在20世纪80年代担任上海复旦大学外国专家。1989-1991年曾任加拿大驻北京大使馆教育、科学与文化教育处首席秘书、1996年日本名古屋大学客座教授、1997-2002年曾任香港教育学院院长。

许美德教授已撰写、编辑十余本书,在权威期刊上发表了80多篇文章。她的最新作品《从比较教育的视角看中国:许美德选集》于2015年冬出版。合编的两本新书:《加拿大大学在中国的转型:一个不为人知的故事》、《比较教育与国际教育:教师的问题》将在2016年问世。 最近出版的书包括:《二十一世纪中国大学的概况:高等教育的大众化》、《有影响力的中国教育家》。

