5th International Conference on Reciprocal Learning
May 20, 2018 AGM Report Highlights
5月21日 常务会议简报

会议主持人:Michael Siu 副校长 (加拿大温莎大学)
Chair: Michael Siu Vice President (University of Windsor, Canada)

一、马云鹏教授(东北师范大学) 致欢迎辞
Greetings from Professor Yunpeng Ma (Northeast Normal University)
二、项目组负责人汇报 Directors’ Report
Topic: Partnership Theory, Practice & Method: Accomplishments, Problems & Question
主讲人:许世静教授、Michael Connelly教授
Presenter: Professor Shijing Xu, Professor Michael Connelly
Professor Connelly and Professor Xu kickstarted the Annual General Meeting by posing a series of questions to the Partnership Grant project research teams while inviting each research team to discuss matters related to research design, knowledge mobilization, project publicity, information sharing between university researchers and non-university staff, so on and so forth. 首先,康纳利教授和许世静教授对项目如何进行,项目在合作方面有什么成功之处,以及对项目未来的建议这三个方面提出了一些问题与思考,请各个项目组的成员针对其中的一两个问题进行讨论并进行总结。
三、中加互惠合作研究研讨会 Research Team Report
主持人:Ken Montgomery 教授(温莎大学 教育学院院长)
Chair: Professor Ken Montgomery (Dean, University of Windsor)
After the Directors’ Report, members from different research teams had a chance to present their research findings as well as reciprocal learning outcomes. The General Education and Culture research team members highlighted various collaborative reciprocal learning activities that took place between Shanghai Huaping and Toronto Ryerson Sister School during the 2017-2018 school year. 普通教育组对多伦多怀雅逊和上海华坪姊妹校做了简短的回顾, 并通过播放图片向大家展示2017-2018姊妹校互惠学习取得的成果。
Dr. Howitt from the Greater Essex County District School Board showed a video on how principals, teachers and students from China and Canada viewed and understood reciprocal learning between the two countries. Three principals, Mr. James Cowper, Ms. Teresa Iandolo and Mr. Chris Mills also reported their school’s progress of participating in the Canada-China Reciprocal Learning Partnership project. Howitt博士通过视频播放的形式,展示了中国与加拿大两个国家的校长,教师,学生对互惠学习的看法与见解。从这个项目中,在学术学习,文化学习,国际能力,人类能力等方面都得到了很多学习到了。James Cowper 校长,Teresa Iandolo 校长,Chris Mills 校长分别就各自学校在中加互惠学习项目中的进展做了简单介绍。
Lisa and Angle, two Toronto-based teachers from the Math Research Team, talked about their impression of the Reciprocal Learning Partnership project. Lisa said that she looks forward to involving more parents in her reciprocal learning with China. Angle said that the Partnership project has allowed her to become a more global oriented educator, not just a teacher. 多伦多的Lisa老师表示参与到中加互惠学习项目中很令人兴奋,认为还应该把家庭教育融入其中。Angle老师刚开始参与到项目中时觉得压力很大,但是逐渐地感觉自己不仅仅是一位老师还是一个国际教育者,这让她收获很多。
Next, Ms. Ruxandra Nahaiciuc presented tentative findings from the Science Education research team. Ruxandra Nahaiciuc 代表科学组,提到项目中最有价值是中学的姊妹校合作以及高等院校反思性教育学的比较方法并总结了对于在中加姊妹校和教师教育互惠学习背景下进行研究工作的好处和困难。

Professor Yang Luxin from the Language and Culture team concluded that the reciprocal learning project had provided her graduate students with another perspective to language teaching beyond its linguistic perspective.
Research Team Future Plans Report Presentations
In the afternoon, representatives from each research team were invited to share their future research plans.
Professor Yuhua Bu and Professor Dan Xiao from General Education and Culture team talked about publishing a book that showcases the fruits of Shanghai-Toronto sister school partnerships, especially the development of a Chinese school as the result of involving in the partnership.
Professor Yibing Liu from the Teacher Education team pointed out that future research should focus on studying those positive changes that took place during the course of the Partnership project, and on the promotion of Canada-China reciprocal learning using modern communication methods.
Professor Yuanrong Li and Professor George Zhou from the Science Education team said that their next phase would involve a more systematic study of all those teacher candidates who participated in the Reciprocal Learning Partnership project from China.
Professor Douglas McDougall and Professor Yunpeng Ma from the Mathematics Education team said that their team is planning on publishing a book that includes the following reciprocal-learning themes: Background; Sister School Research Project; Case Studies; Math Research; Teacher Development in the Area of Math.
Professor Zuochen Zhang from the Information and Communication Technology team talked about the challenges encountered by the team and proposed a plan of making videos that record project outcomes.
五、项目研究方向 Future Research Direction of the Partnership Project
主持人:Michael Siu 副校长 (加拿大温莎大学)、许世静教授(加拿大温莎大学)
Chair: Vice President Michael Siu (Research & Innovation, The University of Windsor)
Professor Shijing Xu (Canada Research Chair, University of Windsor)
The Annual General Meeting ended with honorary guests and members from the International Advisory Team giving advice on how the Partnership Project could move forward with respect to research and development.