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Call for Papers


Envisioning Reciprocal Learning between Canada and China

University of Windsor, Canada

April 7-8, 2014

We live in an age when education is at the heart of social policy and public discussion and when education is a world-wide topic. Education is personal, specific and concrete but increasingly this concreteness is shaped by international considerations. China is first among our newcomer families and children. The recent Program for International Student Assessment results (PISA) show that children in Confucian countries and regions, with Shanghai China leading, top the world in Mathematics, Science and Reading achievements. How different and similar are Chinese Confucian and Western educational systems and practices? What can we reciprocally learn from one another as global concerns come to the fore-front in educational planning and practice?
我们诚邀您参加将于2014年4月7-8日在(加拿大)温莎大学举行的题为“展望加拿大-中国互惠学习”的 首届公开研讨会。当今时代,教育已成为社会政策和公众讨论的中心议题,同时教育也已成为一个国际性的话题。 教育虽是个人的、专门的、具体的,但教育的具体性又越来越多地受到国际因素的影响。中国是加拿大新移民家庭 和孩子的最主要来源国之一,最近一次国际学生评估项目(PISA)的结果显示来自儒家文化国家和地区的学 生,以中国上海的学生为首,在数学、科学和阅读上世界领先。中国的孔子思想与西方教育体系和教育实践究竟存 在哪些异同之处?当国际因素在教育规划和教育实践中日趋重要的背景下,这样的相互学习能为我们带来什么?

The purpose of this conference is to explore these matters in a way that is informative and makes a difference to parents, students, teachers, teacher educators and other educational professionals.
We welcome papers that describe specific situations, and/or make philosophical and social arguments for and against educational forms and practices. We especially welcome empirically descriptive studies that describe practices in the thematic curricular areas.
本次大会旨在探索这些问题以期增进理解,同时又期望对家长、学生、教师、教师教育者以及其他教育界专业人士 产生影响。我们诚邀您提交与下述七个研究主题相关的论文。我们欢迎探讨具体问题的论文,也欢迎从哲学和社会 学的角度对教育形式和教育实践进行辩证探讨的论文。我们尤其欢迎有关下述领域中教育实践的实证性研究论文。

Thematic Curriculum Areas:

  • Programs for Cross-Cultural Education Between China and the West
  • General Education and Culture
  • Mathematics and Science Education
  • Language and Culture Education
  • Teacher Education Commons
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Arts and Humanities Education
A series of 10-15 minute concurrent sessions will be organized to allow maximum opportunity for the sharing of experience around current research and achievements as well as for envisioning new possibili-ties of knowledge sharing/mobilization and reciprocal learning in the future. The accepted papers will be presented in concurrent sessions in the above areas.
大会将组织一系列的并行会议,以便最大限度地为展示研究成果、展望未来知识分享与知识动员的方式和讨论未来互惠 学习的可能性提供机会。被录用的论文将在上述领域的并行会议上宣读介绍。

Submission for Individual Papers:

  1. To submit an individual or co-authored paper, the proposal/abstract should be approximately 200 words in length and submitted by email to: The author's name, affiliated institution and contact email address should be clearly listed.
    如您提交个人论文或合著论文,请提供200字左右的提案或摘要,并通过电子邮件发送至。 请注明作者姓名、所属机构以及电子邮箱地址。
  2. The final date for abstract submission to is February 10th, 2014.
  3. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by February 20, 2014. Papers with length of 5000-8000 words will be considered for possible publication.
    论文一旦被采用,作者将于2014年2月20日前收到确认通知,并有可能被考虑出版。论文长度在 5000-8000字。